Our Board

Honorary Board
The Honorary Board of Pour Le Brésil plays a key role in the governance and strategic direction of the association. It is composed of respected and influential individuals whose role is to advise and support on key issues, such as important decision making and strategic direction, to engage members and to assist in the establishment of partnerships, expanding the network of contacts necessary for the execution of Pour Le Brésil's projects.

Izabella Teixeira
CEBRI Councilor, senior fellow at Instituto Arapyaú and former Minister of Environment. She is also Co-Chair of the International Panel on Natural Resources of the UN Environment (IRP/UNEP); member of the High Level Advisory Board of UN-DESA and Honorary President of ACRJ's Environment Council. Throughout her career, Izabella Teixeira held different administrative positions in the Ministry of Environment, in the Rio de Janeiro State Government and in IBAMA, where she joined in 1984. She played a key role in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement and was appointed, in 2012, to serve on the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. In 2013, she won the UN Environment's "Champions of the Earth" Global Award for her contribution to reducing deforestation in the Amazon. She holds a Master's degree in Energy Planning and a PhD in Environmental Planning from COPPE/UFRJ.

Maria Hermínia de Almeida
P.H.D. in Political Science, is a senior researcher at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), retired professor of Political Science and former dean of the Institute of International Relations at the University of São Paulo (2009-2013). Recently published with Gian Luca Gardini, Foreign policy responses to the rise of Brazil - balancing power in emerging states (Palgrave-McMillan, 2016) and The Gilded Years - Essays on Democracy in Brazil (Ed. Horizonte, Lisbon, 2019). Former president of the Latin American Studies Association - LASA (2010-2012), member of the Council of Eminent Chief Economists of the World Bank (2016-2018). He received the National Order of Scientific Merit (2006) and received the Award for Academic Excellence in Political Science awarded by the Association of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences-ANPOCS, Brazil (2013). Currently a member of the D. Paulo Evaristo Arns Commission for the Protection of Human Rights - Arns Commission.

Txai Surui
Young indigenous activist from the Amazonian city of Rondônia. At COP26, she gave a powerful speech against climate change and in support of the protection and recognition of indigenous lands. She started a youth organization and is one of six young climate activists suing the Brazilian government for changing its 2005 carbon baseline to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. In addition, Txai Surui has led numerous mobilizations against deforestation and mining in the Amazon.

Victor do Prado
Professor of Economic Diplomacy at the Paris School of International Affairs - SciencesPo and Senior Fellow of CEBRI - Brazilian Center for International Relations. He was a diplomat and Director of the Council and Committee for Trade Negotiations of the World Trade Organization - WTO in Geneva. He graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo Law School and in International Relations from Instituto Rio Branco (Barão do Rio Branco Award, 1989) and served in the Brazilian Permanent Delegation to International Organizations in Geneva and in the Embassy in Berlin. He was an Economic Advisor in the Cabinet of Chancellor Luiz Felipe Lampreia. Member of the Brazilian negotiating team in the Uruguay Round of the GATT and participated in the creation of the World Trade Organization. Arbitrator in several trade dispute settlement proceedings, he was Deputy Chief of Staff to Director-General Pascal Lamy. Member of the Board of Trustees and Professor at the World Trade Institute - WTI of the University of Bern, Switzerland, he is also visiting professor at the London School of Economics - LSE and the Colegio de Mexico, lecturer at universities in Europe, Asia and North America.
Advisory Board
Pour Le Brésil's Advisory Board is made up of former presidents who offer advice and guidance based on their past experiences. They share their perspectives on challenges faced, solutions found, and best practices applied during their terms.

Vinicius Reis
Co-Founder | Former Co-President

Camila Luz
Former Co-President

Maria Giulia Senesi
Former Co-President

Vivian Kawanami
Co-Founder | Former Co-President

Isabella Arca Vieira
Former Co-President

Felipe Lauritzen
Co-Founder | Former Co-President

Ana Luíza Stringhini
Former Co-President